Friday, January 27, 2012

High altitude PCR

It occurred to me the other day that some unreliability among PCR samples that we experience here in Flagstaff may be attributable to the altitude here (7000ft). I did some googling on high altitude PCR but came up with pretty much nothing. Our lab has 4 Biorad iCyclers, 1 Biorad iCycler for qPCR, 1 BioRad Tetrad (MJ style with 4 blocks), 1 MJ Research PTC-200, and 2 MJ Research PTC-100s.

I first dug into the manuals to try to find anything about altitude correction factors. Nothing. The closest I came was finding that they could be "safely used" at altitudes up to 2000m (~6500ft). That gets almost all the way up to Flagstaff, but says nothing about whether there are any altitude-related issues I should be thinking about.

I then called BioRad tech support and chatted with a rep for a bit on this issue. She was a little amused and quickly regurgitated the ideal gas law (PV=nRT) which would have taken me a little longer to come up with. She pointed out that there are temperature sensors in all of the blocks of the machines we use, so the temperature reported by the cycler is correct as long as you accurately enter the volume of your reaction so it can correctly calculate the sample temperature from the block temperature probes.

I then pointed out that water boils at just under 93C here in Flagstaff (assuming barometric pressure of 23 in. Hg). If we are experiencing high atmospheric pressure (most of the time), the boiling point is slightly higher (closer to 95C) or if we have a storm (low atmospheric pressure) it could go as low as 91C. What this means is that every person here at NAU who follows the prescribed protocol for their PCR is boiling their reactions at every denature step. Since the denature temperature for most programs is still 94-95C, this is just the cusp of the boiling point on most days (it is usually sunny here). It also is not above the magic point at which you will significantly degrade the half-life of your enzyme with each step (about 94-95C). The boiling can still have a significant effect on the reaction by changing the concentration of your buffer (increased concentration of all reagents). Sometimes the moisture is retained due to the heated lid preventing condensation on the upper part of the tube and the lid compression preventing any gaseous escape, but more often than not, your reaction will contain less fluid at the end of the cycle than you began with.

Example: If you perform 10uL reactions and after 35 cycles you have 8uL, your MgCl2 concentration (to pick a reagent) will increase from 2mM to 2.5mM over the course of your cycle. Excess of MgCl2 can contribute to mis-priming and production of non-specific products. Excess KCl can produce unwanted short non-specific products. Excess polymerase can result in all kinds of background (a smeared appearance). Some environmental DNA samples such as are often processed in our lab also contain a lot of PCR inhibitors (e.g. polyphenols). The evaporation can therefore increase the endogenous inhibitor concentration to a point that effectively stops the reaction somewhere along the cycle.

You get the idea. Evaporation BAD!!!(say it like Dana Carvey playing George HW Bush)  Though she couldn't provide me a concrete solution to this concern short of an artificially pressurized laboratory, she offered two suggestions that sounded very good to me:

1) Persons performing PCR at high altitude should reduce their temperature of denaturation according to the local atmospheric pressure. For our altitude, she suggested 90C. I asked if this time should be extended slightly to account for the lower temperature and she said she did not know, but it probably wouldn't hurt...which takes us to her second suggestion.
2) PCR (generally speaking at all altitudes) of GC-rich regions should include a "pre-denature" step of 80C for 1 min to "slow" the denature step to allow for the disentanglement of complex secondary structures and eventual denaturation of the GC-rich region. I should point out that she offered this as a complete alternative to ever adding DMSO to your reaction which, as you may know destabilizes hydrogen bonding, thus allowing efficient denaturation of GC-rich regions, but then also complicates your annealing step. She claimed the 80C for 1 min will solve this problem without messing with your annealing and thus may also be useful for high-altitude PCR.

What I learned: At 7000ft, reduce the annealing temperature to 90C. I can probably keep my denature time at 20-30 sec, but a pre-denature step of 15-30 sec at 80C may improve overall reaction efficiency with no further changes (longer if PCR target region is GC-rich).

Happy high altitude PCRing!!


  1. I am in Quito (2850 m, 9350.85 feet) and have some problems with my multiplex PCR ... In you article you talk about normalised atmospherique pressure ? Because here, with a sunny day we have 1031.5 hPa (30.46 inch Hg) and so a boiling point of 100,493 °C (212.887°F)?

  2. Hi Yannick,

    I don't recall mentioning normalized pressure anywhere, so hopefully you aren't confusing me with someone else.

    But the boiling point in Quito will not be in excess of 100C. You would need much higher pressures than those normally experienced in Quito in order to push the boiling point so high. On average, I would guess your boiling point there will be around 90-91C, so you might benefit from a reduced annealing temperature.

    Also, multiplex PCR can be problematic anywhere in the world, so I wouldn't count on a decreased annealing temp to solve your problems. Sometimes an adjutant such as Betaine (0.5M-1.0M concentration in your reaction) can improve things. Adjutants that I don't think work well for resolving multiplex PCR are BSA, DMSO, or DTT. Another one you might try is glycerol at 5-10% final concentration.

    Make sure you have sufficient polymerase (good quality) and bump your MgCl2 up to 3.0mM (even more may help). For polymerase for multiplex PCR, I really like Phusion HS II (ThermoFisher) and 2G Robust (KAPA). For Phusion I usually use 0.01U/uL, and 2G I use 0.02U/uL. If you choose to use more polymerase, you can run fewer cycles. For most applications, my concentrations work well for 35-40 cycle PCR.

    Primers should be at 100-200nM in your reactions. Keep them all the same concentration at first, but then adjust their relative concentrations by increasing the concentrations for the loci that perform less well. Don't be shy about this. If all your primers are at 100nM, and one locus isn't working well, bump it up to 500nM. Somewhat drastic adjustments are often necessary especially when primer Tms may not be 100% compatible.

  3. Hi Tony,

    I found there were other problems with the particular project I was working on, especially that pines can be difficult to get quality DNA from. However, we did find some remediation of artifactual products by reducing the denature temperature to 90C. In this case, I suspect the artifacts had to do with the repetitive nature of the pine genome. While this could have been a fun project for NAR at one time, I simply ran out of time to play with this and continue performing my denatures at 95C (in Flagstaff). Part of this stemmed from a move to the Phusion polymerase (the manual suggests your denatures should all be at 98C). I found no benefit from the 98C denature temp, but settled on 95C as a temp that no one will blink at and it continues to serve me well. We do a lot of 16S and ITS amplicon profiling now (MiSeq) as well as RADseq, and all my work looks stellar.

    As to yield, I never saw an increase.
